Thursday, February 11, 2010


A cold wind blew,
He stood still there,
His mind and heart knew,
His feelings left back there,
The past memories few,
Still stuck in him there,
As the leaves touched by dew,
So coldly he stare,
There he stood, he knew,
She belonged to that love right there.

As he stood silently,
The two lovers meet,
He was sad, yet happy,
"Congrats!" he greet,
To both of them cheerfully,
Then he and her eyes meet......

It was like two different worlds,
His eyes were teary and sad,
Her's was caring and cheery,
Looking at it, his tears he held back,
He wanted to just see her happy,
So he forced a smile back,
But though forced, it was still sincerely,
She walked away, with a turned back,
Joining her love, walking onwards lovingly......

And right there he was alone,
Once more alone in the rain,
Though hate,vengeance he never shown,
His heart and soul still in vain,
Alone once more, with no light shone,
Holding back his pain......
