Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Prayer Log

Ol'Wise Saradomin,
All Mighty Zamorak,
Well Balanced Guthix,
Ol'Peaceful Armadyl,
And The Fearsome Zaros,

I sought for a prayer,
To protect whom I care about,
The people whom taught me so much,
The people whom have been there for my troubles.

To grant their mother,
A longer living,
Just for them to cherish it,
The last breath.

It may be a short prayer,
But still in my heart I sought for the best,
Miracle, magic and faith to happen,
To you my most respected tutors.



Kelsey said...

rawr.. i didn't see anything bout a log >"<

nice one though..

didi ar... it looks like you worship rs or something ler >"<

xXxTerancexXX said... is freak @_@