Sunday, August 23, 2009

"A" Post's the holidays! Well..i started my holidays 3 days earlier! Hahs! Was quarantined cos' one of my classmate was positive H1N1...hope I don't get it...lols...but still...I wish her to "Get Well Soon!". The other things is that I've been nolifing at Pest Control in RuneScape...but meh you wouldn't want me to tell much about that don't'cha?

Well, I've added 2 Youtube videos on my blog, both my favourite Opening Themes from Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny, so do play it and enjoy! Even after you've finish reading my posts...they're both really nice, trust me. I might post another longer post tomorrow..lols.

Till then,

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

lol actually, tell me more bout PC!

and you better eat more vitamin C =/ i'd break down if my didi actually caught h1n1 T_T

thanks for letting me use your mol points account =) really really thank euuuu~ ღ