Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hatred and Vengeance

Is a poison,
Is a venom,
It is deadly.

Once it seeps into our bodies,
It begins to grow,
Spreading through every vein,
Poisoning us.

When hatred gets deeper,
It turns into vengeance,
The poison continues to spread,
Killing forgiveness.

The venom flows along,
Reaches our mind and soul,
Darkening our hearts.

With a dark heart,
We do anything,
Because of that one small hatred,
Death has been bestowed.

With vengeance,
We thrive to get it done,
We eagerly want revenge,
And at the end,
Killing ourself,
Vengeance is too a poison.

So let there be Light,
Forgive and forget,
Do not hold hatred,
Nor vengeance at heart,
For it will one day poison us,
To the one thing we fear most...



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